WordPress is great for resizing the resolution and file size of images you upload using its editor. If you upload a huge 3000 x 2000 pixel 8MB digital camera snapshot, WordPress will do the work to reduce the image to a web-friendly 600 x 400 pixel 100KB file.
And now (as of WP version 2.9) it’s also possible to crop and rotate your images from within WordPress. No Photoshop required! Watch this video to learn how.
Thanks for this- I was searching all over to find this feature on the Dashboard menu, under Media & in the post editor. I would have never found it without your video. I respect that you started in the right place and didn’t skip steps. I can tell you tested it.
Thanks! This will save me so much time.
Great video, i was messing with this for twenty minutes, but now its all cleatr>
Thanks for your info, but Unfortunately i can`t press the crop-button (??)
do you know why ?
Thank you just what I was looking for. WordPress don’t make these things obvious.
Thanks, was missing one part, and you showed me what I was doing wrong on the cropping!
hello, nice video but I got a question: how can I resize automatically some images in template using i.e. img src=”path/to/crop.php?img=abc.jpg” ? On my server phpthumb like plugins doesn’t seem to work… any suggestions?
how to resize the_post_thumbnail(‘medium’)?
Thank you so much for this! I just thought my pictures were ‘un-cropable’.
many thanks.. exactly what i was looking for..
This was one of the most important feature i needed, i usually take screenshots of my phone and they come at full HD resolution..needed something like this which crops it. Thanks